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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "fresh market"
2023-06-06 00:00:00
"Uczyniliśmy merchandising naszą specjalnością"
W środku sklepu w Neuville-les-Dieppe (Normandia) 4-masztowy statek pływa po oceanie melonów i pomidorów. Grupa Pomona Terreazur zorganizowała ten teatralny pokaz w ramach
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Beach and Foot Volleyball Championships, Dole is partner
Days full of excitement on the seashore for all sand sports enthusiasts: from Thursday 8 June to Sunday 11 June, two of the most important competitions dedicated to the disciplines of Beach and
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Mission Produce introduces non-destructive testing tech in United Kingdom
Mission Produce announced the advancement of its ripening process in the United Kingdom (UK) with AVOS Mini, a non-destructive ripeness control tool and smart device that measures avocado ripeness
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Dylemat złotej cebuli w Egipcie
Według szacunków EastFruit, Egipt był głównym dostawcą żółtej cebuli na rynki Europy Wschodniej i Unii Europejskiej w pierwszych 4-5 miesiącach 2023 roku. Egipscy producenci
2023-06-06 10:00:00
Colombia Avocado Board publishes new handling guide
The Colombia Avocado Board (CAB), the promotional arm of the Colombian avocado industry in the US, has published its first ever Colombian avocado handling guide. Authored by industry expert John
2023-06-06 00:00:00
How to plant blueberries and get the most out of your seedlings
Plants that arrived from the Dutch Fall Creek nursery were planted in raised beds. Previously, peat was introduced into the row locations and mixed with native soil. The beds were formed and
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Aldi Nord rozszerza flotę o dziesięć elektrycznych ciężarówek
Regionalne firmy Aldi w Bargteheide (Szlezwik-Holsztyn/Hamburg), Herten i Radevormwald (Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia) oraz Seefeld (Berlin/Brandenburgia) będą w przyszłości
2023-06-06 00:00:00
How will the hybrid potato change the international potato sector?
Is the hybrid potato the new weapon in the fight for greater food security? The hybrid version of this popular crop could make a huge difference, especially in the agricultural regions of Africa.
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Fruit to grow more expensive than vegetables
In the country, the important determinants of fruit and vegetable prices in the coming months, apart from agro-meteorological conditions, will be the cost of inputs for agriculture, as well as
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Потери урожая томатов в районе Мюнхена из-за холодной весны и продолжительных дождей в апреле
Питомник Бёк, занимающий 70 гектаров открытого грунта и десять гектаров тепличных площадей, может
2023-06-06 16:00:00
Wysokie koszty odbijają się na rolnikach
Według najnowszej ankiety przeprowadzonej przez NFU, rosnące koszty produkcji w wyniku globalnych zawirowań w ciągu ostatnich 18 miesięcy przyczyniły się do złego stanu
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Lemon harvest drops by 40% in Costa Blanca – high production costs blamed
High production costs have slashed Alicante province's lemon harvest by 40% compared to last year. According to Alicante's Asaja young farmers association, 800,000 tons of lemons have been
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Bergamo Markets w kierunku ekspansji
Targ owocowo-warzywny w Bergamo jest gotowy do zmiany "wyglądu". W związku z jego rozbudową planowana jest racjonalizacja przestrzeni. Wiadomość została podana przez L'Eco di
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Ochrona borówek nakierowana na uzyskanie trwałego plonu
Okres kwitnienia to bez wątpienia bardzo ważny czas w którym wykonanie zabiegów przeciw chorobom grzybowym przełoży się na uzyskanie oczekiwanego plonu borówek. Nie oznacza to jednak,
2023-06-06 00:00:00
FEPEX calls for support for campaign against Spanish strawberries
FEPEX and the Huelva Association of Strawberry Producers and Exporters, FRESHUELVA, a member of the Federation, have asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, to
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Can hybrid potatoes change the international potato industry?
A hybrid potato version might make a huge difference, especially in the agricultural regions of Africa. But it could also play a major role in the transition to sustainable agriculture in the
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Chile: Kiwi campaign probably ends earlier
The Andean country's kiwifruit exports are expected to decline by 14 % in the 2022/23 season compared to the previous season. Lower availability combined with a 30% drop in the volume of green
2023-06-06 10:00:00
Mission Produce advances UK ripening process
Mission Produce has announced the advancement of its ripening process in the UK with Avos Mini, a non-destructive ripeness control tool and innovative smart device that measures avocado ripeness
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Industrial strawberries will disappear from Poland's crops? Low prices outrageous
Author: Krystyna Zagorska 06 June 2023 10:06 The open ground strawberry harvest is slowly starting. With the increased supply of fruit on the market, buyers are starting. The announced rates for
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Delegaci Hort Connections poznają smak egzotycznych grzybów z południowej Australii
Zwiedzanie fabryki egzotycznych grzybów Epicurean Food Group na północ od Adelajdy dało delegatom 50 Hort Connections przedsmak potencjału nowo powstałej farmy do osiągnięcia celu, jakim
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Ukrainian dam that was essential for agriculture has been destroyed
In Ukraine, it seems that the Russian army has blown up a dam in the night of June 5-6. According to EastFruit analysts, the explosion of the dam of the Kakhovska hydroelectric power station is
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Blueberry protection aimed at a sustainable yield
The flowering period is undoubtedly a very important time in which the implementation of treatments against fungal diseases will translate into the expected yield of blueberries. However, this
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Chilijskie wycieczki techniczne do Hiszpanii znów w pełnym rozkwicie
Chilijscy producenci i eksporterzy ponownie udali się do Hiszpanii, aby zobaczyć wydajność najnowszych odmian wiśni. Pokazuje to, że rolnicze wycieczki techniczne, kluczowa
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Fully automated lettuce crop monitoring by greenhouse drones
In spring 2022, Corvus Drones introduced fully automated greenhouse drones for young plant producers and breeders. Operating greenhouse drones is easy and can be done from one's office. Docking
2023-06-06 00:00:00
"It's a golden time for the stone fruit sector"
Although Alvin Frutta has an extensive catalog of seasonal fruits and vegetables to provide customers with a year-round supply of product, stone fruit is still the flagship product for this